#GivingTuesday—The Essential Sarah Lawrence: Elke Zuern and Adela Weigel ’18

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Supported and guided by politics faculty member Elke Zuern at Sarah Lawrence College, Adela Weigel '18 connected the liberal arts principles she learned in class with her internship experience in a public defender's office where she witnessed firsthand the difficulties involved in defending gang members.

"The process of making connections is the key learning process in this conference system."Elke Zuern

In her internship, Adela examined and critiqued the punitive—rather than preventative—policies surrounding gang violence. Meanwhile, she studied systems of inequality with Elke, and discovered that a deeper understanding can be the most effective tool for curbing crime.

On this #GivingTuesday, please consider contributing to The Fund for Sarah Lawrence to support educational experiences like this one. Your annual fund gift advances the Campaign for Sarah Lawrence.

Watch their video and read the full story